Lancashire First Aid Training Ltd
email: 07824-905104 07515-588948
Emergency First Aid for Schools
This 6 hour course is one of our most popular, designed specifically to meet the special demands of the school environment. The emphasis of all the topics is on the care of the children, but we also cover the essential first aid for adults as well. The contents of the course covers:
Certification is for a life of 3 years.
Each candidate receives a First Aid at Work Manual.
Places on open courses £90.00.
We regularly deliver this course on-site in schools as an INSET Day, which means that large numbers of staff can take the course together without the need to travel to a venue, and without needing to employ replacement Bank Staff for the day. Please be aware that early booking of dates is essential to avoid disappointment, contact us for a quote.
NOTE: All our courses are practical and active, we normally expect all candidates to be able to bend, kneel, lie and roll another person on floor mats, and to perform CPR on a manikin. We advise all candidates to dress so that they will feel comfortable to do so.
Good training develops confidence and competence.