Lancashire First Aid Training Ltd
email: 07824-905104 07515-588948
Lancashire First Aid Training Ltd is Accredited and Validated by the Ofqual Awarding Body, ITC First, to provide Regulated First Aid courses meeting and complying with all of the requirements and regulations of Ofqual and HSE.
Warning - Be Aware!
Duplicate Company Name Confusion
We have been trading as ‘Lancashire First Aid Training Ltd’ for the past 12 years and are well known and trusted by our customer base. A new company has now emerged calling itself ‘Lancashire First Aid Training’, with a telephone number in Blackpool (01253), they appear to be a subsidiary to a company based in Cannock, Staffordshire. This company has no connection with us at all.
We are: Lancashire First Aid Training Ltd.
Web domain:
Announcement - Certificates going electronic!
As from 1st November 2022, all First Aid Certificates (with the exception of the +F Forestry) will be in the form of an electronic pfd, these will be sent out attached to emails, so do check your ’junk folder’. An electronic certificate can be held on your mobile phone, PC, iPad etc and you can print out hard copies if you need them. It is also good for the planet as a posted hard copy involves three postage journeys and three envelopes. Please be aware that to comply with Government regulations the issue of certificates is the task of Ofqual Awarding Bodies, not course providers, and the issue of certificates usually take about 14 days following a course.
First Response First Aid
Details of First Aid Courses
First Aid at Work (RQF)*
The 3-Day First Aid at Work and the 1-Day Emergency First Aid at Work courses both meet the HSE legislation requirements for First Aid in the Workplace.
We can meet the needs of every employment sector at any level.
Outdoor First Aid &
Forest Schools First Aid
Now IOL Accredited
This 16 Hour, Level 6 (SCQF)* qualification is designed to meet the needs of those working in remote outdoor locations where help is likely to be delayed. It is the Gold Standard for leaders in Outdoor Education.
All our courses are active, practical and participative.
Paediatric First Aid and Emergency Paediatric First Aid
These two courses at Level 3 (RQF)* are delivered over One and Two Days and meet OFSTED requirements for all schools and nurseries etc. caring for EYFS children.
First Aid for Schools
A bespoke 6 Hour course designed to meet the special needs of schools and covering all of the topics and skills for the care of both adults and children including children’s illnesses and head injury.
* See below for explanation of these abbreviations.
Hands-on AED defibrillation training is included in every course.
On-line First Aid Training
Many internet based companies are now offering ‘online First Aid courses’ which you may be tempted to access because they appear to be cheap and economical. We do not offer online training, nor do we permit any part of our courses to be completed online. Our prime concern is to offer the highest quality of teaching and assessment to all our candidates, and to ensure that on completion and subsequent certification they are competent and confident to provide effective lifesaving First Aid to an individual in need.
Be aware that the UK Government Regulations, HSE and DfE do NOT permit any part of any regulated First Aid course assessment to be conducted online or by remote TV or Mobile Telephone. The First Aid in the Workplace (and other) regulations insist that the examiner and candidate must be face to face in the same room.
On all of our courses you will be engaged in hands-on, practical sessions at every opportunity throughout the course, demonstrating your skills and your understanding. This is the only effective way of learning and being properly assessed.
* What do SCQF and RQF stand for?
The RQF is the Regulated Qualifications Framework, a system by which all vocational courses are accredited and validated for quality, and which lays down the regulations which providers must meet to deliver courses that are so validated. It is a system that means providers are subject to both internal and external quality assurance inspections by OFQUAL appointed Awarding Bodies. (In our case that Awarding Body is ITC First Ltd). The RQF also places qualifications on a specified Level according to the complexity of the topic, length of the course and the responsibilities it places on the holder. Further details at
The SCQF is the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework, which is the equivalent in Scotland.
SQA Accreditation is appointed by the Scottish Government to regulate qualifications listed on the SCQF. Further details at
The qualifications are fully recognised across all of the national boundaries of the UK and in every country of the UK.
Choosing a First Aid training provider
By choosing to use a First Aid Training provider registered with an Ofqual Awarding Body you do not need to carry out ‘due diligence’ checks, the Ofqual Awarding Body, ITC First, checks and inspect all of our qualifications, courses and operational procedures to ensure that we comply with all of the HSE and other legislation. They inspect us at least annually with unannounced visits, carry out External Quality Assurance activity and monitor all Evaluations from customers. You are assured of quality training.
Beware of training companies whose websites display logos of large high street companies, national burger chains, County Councils, Universities etc, most of the time they are using these logos without permission and are almost certainly not the providers of training as they might suggest. These large national, international and high street chains etc almost always have their own in-house training departments, and do not use outside providers.
Free Download of Casualty Record Form
NOTE: All our courses are practical and active, we normally expect all candidates to be able to bend, kneel, lie and roll another person on floor mats, and to perform CPR on a manikin. We advise all candidates to dress so that they will feel comfortable to do so.